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Scenarios in VoltTest represent user flows that will be executed during the performance test.

Each scenario contains a sequence of steps and can be configured with specific behaviors.

Creating a Scenario

Create scenarios through the VoltTest instance:

use VoltTest\VoltTest;

$test = new VoltTest('API Test');
$scenario = $test->scenario(
'Login Flow', // Scenario name
'User authentication' // Optional description

Scenario Configuration


The weight of a scenario determines the execution probability relative to other scenarios

$scenario->setWeight(75); // 75% weight

Let's say you have two scenarios, A and B, with weights 30 and 70, respectively. and you have 100 virtual users. Scenario A will be executed by approximately 30 virtual users, and scenario B will be executed by 70 virtual users.

$regitrationScenario = $test->scenario(
'Registration Flow'
$browseCategoryScenario = $test->scenario(
'Browse Category Flow'
$browseCategoryScenario->setWeight(70); // 70% weight
$regitrationScenario->setWeight(30); // 30% weight

If you have only one scenario, ignore the weight configuration.

Weight Validation

  • Weights must be integers between 1 and 100
  • The sum of all scenario weights must be 100

Think Time

Let's say you have a scenario with multiple steps. and you want to add a delay between each step. Think time is the delay between steps in a scenario. The Default think time is 0 seconds.

Adding a delay between steps:

$scenario->setThinkTime('2s');  // 2-second delay
$scenario->setThinkTime('1m'); // 1-minute delay

This configuration adds a delay of (2 seconds or 1 minute) between each step in the scenario.


You can configure think time at the step level as well, and it will override the scenario-level think time.

Cookie management is disabled by default in VoltTest. You can enable it if needed.


Data Source Configuration

Assuming you have a CSV file with test data, you can configure data-driven testing in VoltTest.

The data source configuration allows you to specify the data file path, mode, and whether the file has a header row.

Then you can use the data in your scenario steps.

Configure data-driven testing:

use VoltTest\DataSourceConfiguration;

$dataConfig = new DataSourceConfiguration(
__DIR__ . '/test-data.csv', // Full file path
'random', // Mode: sequential/random/unique
true // Has header row


So Each virtual user will get a row from the data file and use it in the scenario steps. Each Scenario will have its own data source configuration.

For more information on data-driven testing, see the Examples of Data-Driven Testing section.

Data Iteration Modes

When using data sources, you can choose from three iteration modes:

  • sequential: Iterate through records in order
  • random: Select records randomly
  • unique: Use each record only once

Properties Reference

nameScenario nameRequired
descriptionScenario descriptionEmpty string
weightExecution probability100
thinkTimeDelay between stepsNone
autoHandleCookiesCookie managementfalse
DataSourceConfigurationData source configurationNone

Next We will see how to add steps to a scenario.